Youth Empowerment Against Cybercrime (YEMAC)


Youth Empowerment Against Cybercrime (YEmAC)

This project is a youth-driven intervention aimed at reducing the involvement of young people in cybercrime activities in Nigeria. This project will provide meaningful support to young people by addressing their vulnerabilities and helping them develop positive skills and capabilities. The project will implement various activities to raise awareness and build capacity for the dangers of cybercrime while promoting alternative pathways for young people. Focused on developing digital skills, the initiative seeks to divert participants from the risks of cybercrime by organising workshops & Capture the Flag (CTF) competitions, training & internships, and job placement opportunities. This also seeks to address the medium to longer-term needs of alternative pathway beneficiaries to secure meaningful employment following their engagement with the programme detailing the need for a more sustained effort to enable them to access the legitimate workplace. We anticipate that employment opportunities may be in Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises. or even on a self-employed basis.

Call for Mentors

The YEmAC intervention has equipped young individuals with digital and soft skills through a two-week intensive training program. Now, they are being placed for internships at various companies. To support their professional development, we are seeking mentors to guide them in navigating professional environments and excel in their roles. Mentorship sessions will be conducted virtually.